Wednesday, May 4, 2016

The Timeless Importance of a Thank You Card

It is easy to forget how important a personal touch can be in an era where all communication is done with email and messaging. However; we must be careful not to forget the most fundamental etiquette in communication, such as, the Thank You note.

A personal touch of gratitude does wonders, especially for your relationships. When someone gives you something, you want to thank them with the same enthusiasm they gave you. This principle extends beyond a gift, it can be used for anyone who helps you or does you a favor. A well written note is the gold standard for manners, especially in a world of technology. Taking the time to write someone to thank them for brightening up your life is a show of sincere appreciation. 

To write a good thank you note, you want to write sincerely, and consider the person you're writing to as much as you consider what they have given you. For example, maybe you use the first paragraph to say how much you loved the gift, and the second paragraph to say you hope they are well and you look forward to seeing them at Christmas. This adds a distinct personal touch, and shows gratitude that is less material than it is personal. 

If someone has given you money, it is most polite to tell them what you plan on doing with it. Perhaps you intend to spend that $50 at Sephora, let them know how exciting that will be for you, and as bright lipstick is your signature look, you'll be thinking of them every time you wear it. If you are thanking them for a favor, let them know how much they truly helped you. I encourage a personalized card, a pre-written thank you comes across as insincere. You want to be sure and add your own personal touch to the card.

Thank you cards are most appropriate for when something is sent to you, or when they giver wasn't there when you received it. No gift is too small to express gratitude for, and no amount of time is too long to say thank you. A timely thank you is within 3 months of when you received it. While it may seem like a daunting task, remember that the intention of a thank you card is to make the person you're writing to feel appreciated too. After all, that is what good etiquette is for, making the people around us feel comfortable and appreciated.

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