Thursday, January 22, 2015

My Playgirl Transformation, Or How Self Love Changed My Life.

Skirt and Top - Collectif Clothing
Shoes - Miss L Fire
Photo Credit - Tell A Story Studio 
One of the most common questions I get asked is, how did I get into pin up or become a pin up girl? I wish there was a simple answer, like I woke up one day with rollers in and lipstick on and never looked back, but in truth its been a much more complicated and longer transformation than that (the best and most important journeys usually are).  I don't want to clog this post with the various phases I went through as a teenager, or the varying degrees of angst I felt as I made may way as a young adult. Suffice to say, I have been dabbled in being grungy, punk, goth, and briefly a hippie. Finding myself was a long and very difficult journey for me and those who have known me for a few years. 

What sparked this fairly radical change was making the decision to make my own life and love myself for who I am. Once I began practicing self love, it became easy to view myself as a bombshell, and slowly morph my wardrobe and my hair and makeup around that new perspective. A soon as my internal beliefs changed, my surroundings began to reflect it. I started to trust myself more, and feel safe being who I am. I felt more appreciated by others as soon as I started to appreciate myself. I don't doubt myself in the same ways anymore, I'm not worried what others will think of me. I try and focus on how I can achieve my goals and be happy. My primary New Years resolution was to be my own Barbie, and I'm well on my way (watch out 2015)! 

Dressing as a pin up girl became a daily self love ritual for me, putting on my lipstick is as integral a part of this process as giving myself a compliment when I look in the mirror. Slowly my wardrobe has built itself, and my roller set skills and makeup have developed too. Self love takes practice as much as the perfect wing on your eyeliner does, but the results are killer. Pin up and self love just went seamlessly together for me. Setting my hair isn't a burden, its an act of self care. Dressing up everyday feels like a gift I'm giving myself. I can't imagine a better way to express that I deserve to be happy, sexy, and pretty than by doing it everyday of my life. 

 I'm still experimenting with hair and makeup, and still working on the contents of my dream closet. I have rough days, and am known to whine and cry (I like to think it's endearing), but without self love I know I wouldn't be where I am now. If I didn't practice loving myself and making my own rules, I wouldn't have the courage to dress up everyday and have the biggest hair in Seattle. I am so grateful for everyone who has inspired me and supported me, and I can not wait to see where my next adventure takes me. I highly encourage anyone to find a way to honor themselves everyday, even if you don't want to look like you're from the 50s. Find something that empowers you, and let it guide you to being your best self. I promise you, you won't look back. 


Rose Darling

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